This article is written by Dale E East

Starting a small business online can be a scary proposition at first but it doesn’t have to be that way once you understand the basic steps. As in anything, building an Internet business can be broken down into basic steps and when you do, it becomes much less intimidating. In this article I will give you four steps for starting your business online that will help clear all the clutter.

Pick your market or niche:

You must narrow down the market that you will build your business in. The reason this is important is that when you have narrow targeted market you will be able to define that markets needs and create or find products that best meet those needs. It is a good idea to focus your business on a market that you know or have an interest in. Your knowledge will allow you to quickly become a recognized expert in your niche.

Build a web site:

Your web site is your online identity and the way that your market will find and identify with you. Even though you can get by with a free version like a blogger blog, you are better off with your own domain name and your own web site hosted on your own server. This will allow you more flexibility and the room to grow your business. It also gives you a more permanent and professional look to your visitors.

Build a subscriber list:

In the online business world there are only two tangible assets. Your web site is one and your list is the other. Arguably the most important thing you can do in your business is build a list of subscribers so that you can contact them and build relationships. Over time you can build trust with your list by offering value and then they will be more likely to follow your recommendations and buy your products.

Sell to your list:

You can’t make money until something is sold and on the Internet the best way to do that is to sell to your list. As discussed above, you have built a list of subscribers and provided value so they trust you and value your recommendations. You can now market to them and provide even greater value by offering solutions to their problems.

Would you like to learn more about starting an Internet business? I just completed a brand new free guide.

Download my brand new free guide here: Internet Business

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