I just found an old book from the year 1968 written by James Murray, the English teacher from Institute of Export in Helsinki. The book title is “The thoughts of chairman Jaska or how to make friends with *Urkki”
James was fantastic teacher and we all enjoyed very much learning this important foreign language. James or Jaska wrote in his book about Finland. I quote: “In this article, I’ll try to answer the question of why I chose Finland and why, for heaven’s sake, I stay here. As a traditionally superior Scotsman, I find myself, from time to time, treating the Finns in a patronizing way, but this can only lead to further confirmation of my own prejudices. Well what do I like here? Above all the sauna, followed by the excellent Finnish Lapin Kulta and sausage, and, if forced, the barbarous dip in a hole in the ice. Finnish design in glass, ceramics, furniture, ryijy. The architecture especially Dipoli. Finally without whom all this could not exist, I like people themselves with their honesty, silence, stubbornness, friendliness to foreigners and occasional hospitality.”
I have not met Jaska for years, but I still have his book.
Since that time, I have been somehow connected with international business or international affairs and even when I retired a few years ago I continue working, now online. Even online business is basically like traditional trade there are numerous differences. Online you can reach much more people than in the traditional way traveling and meeting your customers personally. But the basic rules are the same you need to solve the customer’s problem and help him or her in finding best possible solution to the problem in hand.
The tools I am now using are available in one place, namely GlobalNPN. Just look and you even can get ebook for free.
* Urkki is a nickname for Urho Kekkonen, the former president of Finland
Tags: languages, learning, work from home