Chairman Jaska stumbled upon a treasure, an old book from 1968 penned by James Murray, the esteemed English teacher hailing from the Institute of Export in Helsinki. Titled “The thoughts of Chairman Jaska or How to Make Friends with *Urkki,” this literary gem unleashed a world of knowledge upon eager learners like us. James, or rather, Jaska, filled the book with musings about Finland, and boy, did he have us hooked.

Let me share a snippet: “In this article, I’ll attempt to unravel the enigma of why I chose Finland and, for heaven’s sake, why I stay here. As a proud Scotsman, I must admit to occasionally treating the Finns as if they were delicate creatures, but that only serves to reinforce my own preconceived notions. So, what keeps me swooning over this place? Saunas, my friend! And let’s not forget the glorious Finnish Lapin Kulta and sausages, and if I must, the barbaric act of dipping into an icy hole. Oh, and Finnish design in all its forms – glass, ceramics, furniture, ryijy. The cherry on top? The architectural masterpiece that is Dipoli. But wait, it wouldn’t be the same without the people – their honesty, silence, stubbornness, friendliness towards foreigners, and the rare display of genuine hospitality.”

It’s been years since I last saw Jaska, but his book remains a cherished possession. In fact, his teachings had such a profound impact that it led me down the path of international business and affairs. Retirement didn’t stop me from delving into this field; instead, I shifted my focus to the online realm. While the principles of online business remain similar to traditional trade, there are countless nuances to explore. Online platforms grant you the power to reach a wider audience, unlike the limited scope of in-person interactions. However, the core principle remains intact – solving customers’ problems and providing them with the best possible solutions. Thankfully, now we have GlobalNPN, a one-stop destination for all the tools you need. Take a peek and discover the wonders it holds; you might even snag a free ebook! Just visit GlobalNPN-site.

So, take a page from Jaska’s book, embrace the world of international business and affairs, and let the online realm become your new playground.

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