Newbie Training Center

If you’re new to working online, read the following so you will have an understanding of what it will take. Keep in mind that we don’t sugarcoat anything just to make a sale; we leave that to the scammers. You can believe the hype you see on the Internet if you want, but it will only lead to wasted time and lost money.

People have hype all over their sales pages because they want to fill you full of false hope—just like the lottery does, but unlike the lottery, those hype companies don’t tell you what your chances of success are if you pay them money and believe me, the chances are the same with the hype programs as the lottery—about 3 million to one…

Now, if you are serious about working online and earning a decent income from your home, you need to have a program that is hype free, has value and is something you can believe in. Once you find that, you will then have to promote that program and stick to it. I am amazed at the number of people who join something one month and quit the next and then bounce on to something else and quit that within 30 days.

You are never going to make a dime by doing that, so if you are a program bouncer, you need to seriously rethink your online goals and either stop bouncing to the latest and greatest program or stop trying to work online or totally change your ways and stick with something so you have time to make it grow.

Imagine if offline businesses took that approach to working. There would be no offline businesses around and the working world as you know it would be chaos where you would start a job on Monday and be let go 30 days later because the owner did not make his millions in 30 days.

Understand that working online takes time, money, effort and commitment. How much money you make will be in direct proportion to how much you invest in your business—both time and money.

Now I am not telling you that you need to invest thousands into your business up front, but you are going to have to spend money to make money. Money has to come from someplace to pay you, so if a site is free and they are telling you that you can make money, where is the money coming from to pay you?

You pay for meals at a restaurant.

You pay for gas for your car or truck.

You pay for your cell phone and cable television.

You pay for clothes.

You pay for your house or apartment.

You pay for groceries.

You pay for water, trash pickup, newspaper delivery, electricity.

You pay for cars, bikes, airfare, and taxies.

You pay for your computer, pens, pencils, paper.

Everything that has value and you need, you pay for, yet people come online and they are told by the scammers that they can make money for free with no work and no effort. Don’t believe what they tell you; believe your brain and you won’t go wrong.

Take advantage of the tools and opportunity you have with 12SC and don’t quit because without the tools, training and resources we supply you in 12SC, there is absolutely no way for you to succeed online. I am referring to our tools because obviously I am little prejudiced that ours are the best, but hey if you find something better then use it, but just don’t quit building your prospect list, helping your downline, getting trained, tracking your ads, advertising for your downline, writing in your blog, following up with your prospects and simply working your business.


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