Read On If You..
- Don’t Have The Budget For Pay Per Click..
- Want A Permanent Method Of Generating Traffic For Life..
- Want Quality Traffic To Your Website Or Blog For Free..
If you haven’t used Social Networking to funnel traffic back to your site or blog, then you’ve obviously been missing out on a ton of high converting traffic.
There are videos, I just learned about.
So What’s In These Videos That Will
Help Generate Leads To My Website?
This video series takes you by the hand, step by step, click by click to creating a great product that not only sells, but increases your profit by several times more!
Here are the six videos..
1) Introduction To Social Networking:
[5 minutes and 34 seconds]
You’ll see why you should use Social Networking and a more in-depth view as to why it allows you to gain your client’s trust at a deeper level. You’ll also get a brief overview of it before you dive into the individual sites.
2) MySpace
[16 minutes and 36 seconds]
This is one of the largest Social Networking sites. While it began as a site that was highly used by kids, teens, and college students, it has become an area for older people and businesses to go to for networking purposes. In this video, you’ll learn how to build a network in your niche. While it can take a long time to build the traffic you need, you will learn how and where to outsource your traffic.
3) Facebook
[12 minutes and 11 seconds]
Just like Myspace, Facebook was very popular among college students as it started as a social networking site for this specific market. As the years passed, and Facebook became more popular, it began to allow other different age groups in. Now it goes against Myspace and was one of the huge social networking sites out there. While it has similar features to Myspace, in this video you’ll learn specific areas you should watch out for in Facebook to get the traffic you need.
4) LinkedIn
[11 minutes and 56 seconds]
LinkedIn is a social networking site for the professional and career market. So basically it allows you to network with friends, colleagues, and more for the purpose of professional networking. Not only can you connect with colleagues, friends, and more, but can you find future clients; or find jobs. In this video, you’ll learn how to use it setup your own professional profile, so you can begin to drive traffic to your site.
5) Yahoo Answers
[10 minutes and 18 seconds]
Yahoo Answers for a while was a huge site that allowed people to get their questions answered. This in itself is very viral and it’s a huge growing network. They included a social networking site as part of Yahoo Answers to allow people to find people with similar interests. In this video, you’ll learn how to build traffic in relation to Yahoo Answers specifically.
6) StumbleUpon
[2 minutes and 33 seconds]
StumbleUpon is popular because of it’s ability to help you generate tons of targeted traffic to your website, blog, etc. In this video, you’ll also learn how StumbleUpon works and how you can use it drive traffic to your site. You’ll also be pointed to sites that will help you increase your StumbleUpon traffic.
With these videos, you can use different sites to bring in thousands of highly targeted traffic.
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Tags: affiliate marketing, Listbuilding, Marketing, Profits, Sales, Secrets, Social Networking Exposed, Videos