I will attempt to write a synopsis of the different chapters of a book I read before and am reading again. The book is Harry Lorayne’s  ‘Secrets of Mind Power’.

The first chapter is about ‘Organizing Your Mind’.  Something I feel I need to do.  Before he starts the book he suggests that ‘a person with a well-trained and organized mind is a happy and successful person’.

He quotes Samuel Johnson (an English author): ” The fountain of  content must spring up in the mind, and he who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts and multiply the griefs which he purposes to remove.”

So since I have been working at making a business for myself online I would like to do it in a more organized way. Lorayne says and basically, it is common sense, that to avoid chaos in business or in life in general you need ‘organization’.

From birth to death there is a definite regimen that is followed from how your mother feeds you and cares for you, followed by schooling and adulthood to the organizing of your funeral.  If a certain regimen wasn’t followed the human race would eventually disappear off the  face of the earth.

The mind is the first thing we need to organize.  To organize your mind is to control it, which means controlling your thoughts. To organize your mind means that you need to systemize it, which does take effort on your part.  Most of us are lazy and don’t want to make an effort especially if we think someone else will make the effort for us.

We mostly are willing to get organized with the subjects that interest us. Interest is an essential element needed when you have something to learn.  It is very difficult getting interested in something you don’t really care about even if it concerns you.  You shouldn’t tolerate inefficiency in yourself and you are the only one who can control how you

Interest though is only part of starting to learn something, you also need action.  You need to be a doer.  Talking about something and wishing you were a certain way is a waste of time if you aren’t willing to do something about it.

As Harry Lorayne wrote: ” You live the way you think.  Organized thinking really means controlling thought reactions properly, and solving the problems in the most efficient manner possible at the time.

The way we react mentally to anything that happens to us, and the way we go about solving the problems it poses, is what occupies our minds all the time. This being so, it is an obvious conclusion that you might as well react and solve your problems in an organized way as in any other way.

The way you think is the way you live. Think properly, clearly and effectively, and success and happiness must come to you.”  When organizing your mind you are then aiming for a definite goal.

Dreaming is good if you go about fulfilling your dream otherwise don’t waste your time.  Spending more than five minutes wishing for something if you don’t plan to fulfill it to me is just a waste of valuable time.  Again to quote Lorayne, “time is more important than money; it’s the most valuable commodity we can spend; so if you’re looking for a bargain, spend some on your thinking powers.”

copyright © 2009 Pat Downing. All Rights Reserved. Duplication permitted only with copyright and content unaltered.

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