Bruce Harper writes about the experience:

Profit by Experience. Yes, I admit it. I hold a Degree, from the Illustrious “College of Hard Knocks.” You will learn and profit from your experiences. I personally believe you learn more from the bumps in your road to Success than you do when there is clear sailing on a smooth path to $uccess.

All of us profit from all our experiences, good and not so good ones. Many marketers don’t. They have experiences, but they don’t profit from them. That’s because they don’t know the simple secret of how to use the experiences they have had.

You ask, why don’t you give us the secret? The secret is to analyze it. So, each night, before you pray to go over your experiences for the day. Gain from it, learn from it, embed it in your mind. Then the next time alike similar situation comes up, you will be able to draw on it, your experience, to easily handle it. Caution – don’t forget to change as change is necessitated. This can mean reclassifying some of your experiences to meet some changing conditions.
Bless you and yours, by for now.

Go to sfi and read more of his writings, they are really interesting and I am sure something could be learned from them.

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